PDC4S:\2018-2\Alex Becker - Hero Consulting Academy\HeroCONSULTING Accelarator\Week 2 Videos - Getting The Typical Client Results

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NameSizeDate Modified
4. Segmenting Clients List (Email Marketing Hotel).mp4111,452 KB2/10/2019 6:26 PM
3. Why Clients Need Email Marketing (Objection Countering).mp440,726 KB2/10/2019 6:23 PM
2. The Perfect Client Promo.mp4.XML23,273 KB2/10/2019 6:13 PM
1. Getting Clients Results Intro.mp4.XML5,198 KB2/10/2019 6:23 PM
Week 2 Scripts and Resources11/1/2019 4:16 PM