PDC4S:\2018-2\Teacher As AnInnovator\Teacher As An Innovator\1. Introduction |
Up one directory... |
z0_Softarchive - My Video Training.url.XML | 4 KB | 8/16/2018 7:06 PM |
z0_Softarchive - My Software.url.XML | 4 KB | 8/16/2018 7:06 PM |
z0 - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studi0.txt.XML | 11 KB | 8/16/2018 7:06 PM |
9. The Strategies to follow.vtt.XML | 9 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
9. The Strategies to follow.mp4 | 75,072 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
8. To Teach is the Preach.vtt.XML | 11 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
8. To Teach is the Preach.mp4 | 138,395 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
7. The Activated Classrooms on Priority.vtt.XML | 8 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
7. The Activated Classrooms on Priority.mp4 | 89,841 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
6. The WOW Approach in Teaching.vtt.XML | 8 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
6. The WOW Approach in Teaching.mp4 | 92,035 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
5. The Priority.vtt.XML | 7 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
5. The Priority.mp4 | 47,924 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
4. Connecting With The Learner.vtt.XML | 8 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
4. Connecting With The Learner.mp4 | 50,266 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
3. Overcoming barriers.vtt.XML | 7 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
3. Overcoming barriers.mp4 | 38,034 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
2. The Choice of Activated Learning.vtt.XML | 6 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
2. The Choice of Activated Learning.mp4 | 25,427 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
12. Workshop Session.vtt.XML | 15 KB | 10/8/2019 10:09 PM |
12. Workshop Session.mp4 | 230,999 KB | 10/8/2019 10:09 PM |
11. Bonus Lecture.vtt.XML | 9 KB | 10/8/2019 10:09 PM |
11. Bonus Lecture.mp4 | 107,631 KB | 10/8/2019 10:09 PM |
10. Conclusion.vtt.XML | 8 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
10. Conclusion.mp4 | 103,094 KB | 10/8/2019 10:08 PM |
1. Introduction.vtt.XML | 5 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |
1. Introduction.mp4 | 16,691 KB | 10/8/2019 10:07 PM |