PDC4S:\2018\Ryan Deiss - Native Ad Academy $497\RYAN DEISS - NATIVE AD ACADEMY Complete
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Date Modified
12/29/2017 10:56 AM
Introduction & Overview
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Live Calls
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Module 1 Creating Native-Worthy Content
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Module 2 Leveraging Facebook’s Native Ad Platform
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Module 3 Leveraging Twitter’s Native Ad Platform
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Module 4 Leveraging YouTube and LinkedIn
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Module 5 Leveraging Recommended Content Platforms
12/29/2017 10:57 AM
Module 6 Advanced Tactics and “Sneaky Tricks”
12/29/2017 10:57 AM