PDC4S:\2021-3\MEGAsync Uploads\Copy Hackers - Copy School 2018\03-10x Emails 2.0

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NameSizeDate Modified
00-How to write 10x emails with 10x Emails 2.0.pdf868 KB11/15/2018 4:19 AM
08-Office Hours Recordings1/18/2022 5:05 PM
07-Resources1/18/2022 5:05 PM
06-BONUS Recorded workshops and bonus training1/18/2022 5:05 PM
05-BONUS How to find your message5/3/2021 11:46 AM
04-MODULE 4 Optimize 10x emails1/18/2022 5:05 PM
03-MODULE 3 10x Copywriting Techniques1/18/2022 5:05 PM
02-MODULE 2 Write 10x emails1/18/2022 5:05 PM
01-MODULE 1 Plan 10x emails1/18/2022 5:05 PM