PDC4S:\CODING\Web - App Development (All related Courses to Web and App Dev)\1- [React and Redux Related Courses]\[LearnCodeOnline] The Complete Front End Web Developer BootCamp |
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01 Introduction, getting the development tools and basics of HTML | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
02 Div, tables and Forms with Challenge to create FB page | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
03 HTML 5 semantics and adding audio, video and YouTube to web page | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
04 CSS - Box model, color selection | | 1/14/2022 8:45 AM |
05 Web development projects - GYM and Sushi Restro Templates | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
06 CSS - classes, ID's, parallax and project to edit template | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
07 CSS - box sizing, gradients and TODO list project | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
08 Getting started with Bootstrap | | 1/14/2022 8:48 AM |
09 Project - Pokemon Corporate site yahoo selling page | | 1/14/2022 8:48 AM |
10 Grabbing the tools to learn and write Javascript | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
11 Javascript - Basic concept, variables, operations and best practice | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
12 Javascript - conditionals and functions | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
13 Javascript - Exceptions, Hoisting and regular expressions | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
14 Javascript - functions and closures | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
15 Javascript - implementing codes | | 1/14/2022 8:48 AM |
16 Javascript projects to practice | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
17 Moving on to learn Jquery - Selectors and events | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
18 Actions in Jquery - fading, animations and callback functions | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
19 projects in Jquery and using JS plugins | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
20 Farewell and a gift | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
21 Bonus_ TODO project in JS and web hosting details | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
22 BONUS updates - FUN projects and tips | | 1/13/2022 9:50 AM |
udemy-dl.log | 0 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |