PDC4S:\Health\Boards and Beyond Videos Completed\Biochemistry\2. Metabolism |
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1. Glucose - Carbohydrate structure, glucose metabolism overview, glucose absorption and transport.mp4 | 11,289 KB | 12/2/2019 4:52 PM |
10. Fatty Acids - Structure, synthesis, beta oxidation.mp4 | 37,375 KB | 12/2/2019 4:55 PM |
11. Ketone Bodies - Synthesis; ketolysis; diabetes-alcoholism.mp4 | 12,180 KB | 12/2/2019 4:55 PM |
12. Ethanol Metabolism - Enzymes, biochemistry of alcoholism; Disulfiram.mp4 | 25,795 KB | 12/2/2019 4:57 PM |
13. Exercise and Starvation - Creatine; Aerobic and anaerobic exercise.mp4 | 32,508 KB | 12/2/2019 5:00 PM |
14. Inborn Errors of Metabolism - Recognition of newborns with metabolic disorders.mp4 | 28,008 KB | 12/2/2019 5:01 PM |
2. Glycolysis - Enzymes, reactions, regulation.mp4 | 45,872 KB | 12/2/2019 5:05 PM |
3. Gluconeogenesis - Enzymes, reactions, regulation.mp4 | 25,004 KB | 12/2/2019 5:06 PM |
4. Glycogen - Structure, synthesis, glycogen storage diseases.mp4 | 29,745 KB | 12/2/2019 5:08 PM |
5. HMP Shunt - NADPH, G6PD deficiency.mp4 | 20,632 KB | 12/2/2019 5:10 PM |
6. Fructose and Galactose - Metabolism; fructose intolerance, galactosemia.mp4 | 18,391 KB | 12/2/2019 5:11 PM |
7. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase - PDH Co-factors; PDH Deficiency.mp4 | 25,915 KB | 12/2/2019 5:13 PM |
8. TCA Cycle - Reactions, inhibitors, activators.mp4 | 19,828 KB | 12/2/2019 5:14 PM |
9. Electron Transport Chain - Complexes, coenzymes, inhibitors.mp4 | 31,691 KB | 12/2/2019 5:16 PM |