PDC4S:\Health\MKSAP 18 Internal Medicine Audio Companion Part B\09 Infectious Disease |
Up one directory... |
1011 Close to Infectious Disease Section.mp3 | 1,250 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1010 Session 10 Key Points.mp3 | 4,050 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1009 Antibiotics for AntibioticResistant Organisms.mp3 | 5,277 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1008 Stewardship and Emerging Resistance.mp3 | 6,229 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1007 Human Cytomegalovirus.mp3 | 3,684 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1006 EpsteinBarr Virus.mp3 | 1,709 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1005 VaricellaZoster Virus.mp3 | 4,714 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1004 Human Herpesvirus Infections.mp3 | 6,355 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1003 Management.mp3 | 4,384 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1002 Viral Infections.mp3 | 4,064 KB | 2/8/2019 6:54 AM |
1001 Introduction to Session 10.mp3 | 571 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0914 Close to Session 9.mp3 | 582 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0913 Session 9 Key Points.mp3 | 7,649 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0912 Resistance Testing.mp3 | 2,756 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0911 Management of HIV Infection.mp3 | 7,963 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0910 Opportunistic Infections.mp3 | 6,993 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0909 Cardiovascular Disease.mp3 | 2,459 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0908 Complications of HIV Infection.mp3 | 3,429 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0907 Initiation of Care.mp3 | 4,645 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0906 Pathophysiology and Natural History.mp3 | 5,270 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0905 HIV AIDS.mp3 | 8,260 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0904 HospitalAcquired Infections.mp3 | 2,190 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0903 HAP and VAP.mp3 | 6,928 KB | 2/8/2019 6:53 AM |
0902 Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia.mp3 | 3,983 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0901 Introduction to Session 9.mp3 | 567 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0814 Close to Session 8.mp3 | 549 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0813 Session 8 Key Points.mp3 | 5,009 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0812 Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infections.mp3 | 7,334 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0811 Surgical Site Infections.mp3 | 6,618 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0810 Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention.mp3 | 4,250 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0809 CatheterAssociated Urinary Tract Infections.mp3 | 3,500 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0808 Health CareAssociated Infections.mp3 | 6,397 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0807 Prevention of Infections in Transplant Recipients.mp3 | 7,903 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0806 Specific PostTransplantation Infections.mp3 | 6,219 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0805 PostTransplantation Infections.mp3 | 5,423 KB | 2/8/2019 6:52 AM |
0804 Infections in Transplant Recipients.mp3 | 3,407 KB | 2/8/2019 6:51 AM |
0803 Amebiasis and Cyclospora Infection.mp3 | 2,955 KB | 2/8/2019 6:51 AM |
0802 Viral Gastroenteritis.mp3 | 5,771 KB | 2/8/2019 6:51 AM |
0801 Introduction to Session 8.mp3 | 542 KB | 2/8/2019 6:51 AM |
0715 Close to Session 7.mp3 | 360 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0714 Session 7 Key Points.mp3 | 7,127 KB | 2/8/2019 6:51 AM |
0713 Clostridium Difficile Infection.mp3 | 8,332 KB | 2/8/2019 6:51 AM |
0712 Yersinia Infection.mp3 | 2,881 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0711 Escherichia Coli Infection.mp3 | 4,908 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0710 Salmonella Infection.mp3 | 3,446 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0709 Campylobacter and Shigella Infections.mp3 | 2,499 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0708 Infectious Gastrointestinal Syndromes.mp3 | 3,747 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0707 Rickettsial Infection and Brucellosis.mp3 | 4,768 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0706 Hepatitis Virus Infections.mp3 | 2,547 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0705 Dengue Fever, Chikungunya and Zika.mp3 | 8,172 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0704 Travelers’ Diarrhea.mp3 | 4,491 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0703 Typhoid Fever.mp3 | 3,683 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0702 Travel Medicine.mp3 | 6,658 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0701 Introduction to Session 7.mp3 | 357 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0614 Close to Session 6.mp3 | 369 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0613 Session 6 Key Points.mp3 | 6,710 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0612 Bioterrorism.mp3 | 9,240 KB | 2/8/2019 6:50 AM |
0611 Primary Immunodeficiencies.mp3 | 6,820 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0610 Fever of Unknown Origin.mp3 | 5,212 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0609 Item 107 A 24yearold Woman is Evaluated for Cystitis.mp3 | 3,605 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0608 Vertebral Osteomyelitis.mp3 | 4,770 KB | 2/8/2019 6:49 AM |
0607 Osteomyelitis in Diabetic Foot Ulcers.mp3 | 3,874 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0606 Diagnosis.mp3 | 4,658 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0605 Item 89 A 42yearold Man is Admitted for Nonresponsiv.mp3 | 4,071 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0604 Osteomyelitis.mp3 | 2,399 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0603 Chancroid and Lymphogranuloma Venereum.mp3 | 4,209 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0602 Syphilis.mp3 | 6,414 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0601 Introduction to Session 6.mp3 | 363 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0515 Close to Session 5.mp3 | 566 KB | 2/8/2019 6:45 AM |
0514 Session 5 Key Points.mp3 | 7,593 KB | 2/8/2019 6:46 AM |
0513 Genital Ulcers.mp3 | 5,162 KB | 2/8/2019 6:45 AM |
0512 Clinical Syndromes.mp3 | 7,199 KB | 2/8/2019 6:40 AM |
0511 Neisseria Gonorrhea Infection.mp3 | 3,803 KB | 2/8/2019 6:36 AM |
0510 Item 82 A 48yearold Man has Skin Trauma Sustained in.mp3 | 3,411 KB | 2/8/2019 6:32 AM |
0509 Sexually Transmitted Infections.mp3 | 6,662 KB | 2/8/2019 6:23 AM |
0508 Sporotrichosis and Mucormycosis.mp3 | 4,164 KB | 2/8/2019 6:18 AM |
0507 Coccidioidomycosis and Blastomycosis.mp3 | 4,253 KB | 2/8/2019 6:13 AM |
0506 Item 71 A 28yearold Woman is Seen for Meningococcal .mp3 | 3,820 KB | 2/8/2019 6:09 AM |
0505 Cryptococcosis.mp3 | 5,359 KB | 2/8/2019 6:09 AM |
0504 Aspergillosis and Aspergilloma.mp3 | 6,465 KB | 2/8/2019 6:09 AM |
0503 Fungal Infections.mp3 | 5,082 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0502 Mycobacterium Avium Complex Infection.mp3 | 1,717 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0501 Introduction to Session 5.mp3 | 538 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0416 Close to Session 4.mp3 | 470 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0415 Session 4 Key Points.mp3 | 6,177 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0414 Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections.mp3 | 4,823 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0413 DrugResistant Tuberculosis.mp3 | 4,209 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0412 Treatment of Active Tuberculosis.mp3 | 7,566 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0411 Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis.mp3 | 2,981 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0410 Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis Infection.mp3 | 4,272 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0409 Item 53 A 74yearold Man is Evaluated for Confusion.mp3 | 4,279 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0408 Diagnosis.mp3 | 5,747 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0407 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection.mp3 | 7,140 KB | 2/8/2019 6:08 AM |
0406 Acute Bacterial Prostatitis.mp3 | 2,914 KB | 2/8/2019 6:07 AM |
0405 Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Women.mp3 | 3,675 KB | 2/9/2019 5:10 PM |
0404 Item 47 A 32yearold Man is Evaluated for Painless, V.mp3 | 3,248 KB | 2/8/2019 6:07 AM |
0403 Acute Pyelonephritis.mp3 | 2,925 KB | 2/8/2019 6:07 AM |
0402 Management.mp3 | 5,121 KB | 2/8/2019 6:07 AM |
0401 Introduction to Session 4.mp3 | 545 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0314 Close to Session 3.mp3 | 563 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0313 Session 3 Key Points.mp3 | 5,262 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0312 Urinary Tract Infections.mp3 | 6,037 KB | 2/8/2019 6:07 AM |
0311 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.mp3 | 2,424 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0310 Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis and Granulocytic Anaplasm.mp3 | 5,734 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0309 Item 40 A 31yearold Woman Asks about Travelers’ Diar.mp3 | 3,794 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0308 Babesiosis and STARI.mp3 | 5,129 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0307 Early and Late Disseminated Disease.mp3 | 5,906 KB | 2/8/2019 6:06 AM |
0306 Lyme Disease.mp3 | 3,896 KB | 2/8/2019 6:05 AM |
0305 Item 16 A 28yearold Woman has a Possible Exposure to.mp3 | 3,492 KB | 2/8/2019 6:05 AM |
0304 Complications of CAP.mp3 | 4,471 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0303 Antimicrobial Therapy.mp3 | 10,012 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0302 Management0520.mp3 | 4,426 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0301 Introduction to Session 3.mp3 | 559 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0214 Close to Session 2.mp3 | 483 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0213 Session 2 Key Points.mp3 | 5,250 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0212 Diagnostic Evaluation.mp3 | 6,037 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0211 CommunityAcquired Pneumonia.mp3 | 8,702 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0210 Toxic Shock Syndrome.mp3 | 4,058 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0209 Item 13 A 33yearold Nurse is Evaluated for a Needles.mp3 | 3,118 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0208 Diabetic Foot Infections.mp3 | 4,878 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0207 Animal and Human Bites.mp3 | 5,703 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0206 Purulent Skin Infections.mp3 | 3,080 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0205 Item 09 A 44yearold Woman has Persistent Fatigue, He.mp3 | 4,053 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0204 Necrotizing Fasciitis.mp3 | 6,398 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0203 Erysipelas and Cellulitis.mp3 | 6,294 KB | 2/8/2019 6:03 AM |
0202 Skin and Soft Tissue Infections.mp3 | 6,156 KB | 2/8/2019 6:04 AM |
0201 Introduction to Session 2.mp3 | 544 KB | 2/8/2019 6:02 AM |
0116 Close to Session 1.mp3 | 404 KB | 2/8/2019 6:02 AM |
0115 Session 1 Key Points.mp3 | 3,742 KB | 2/8/2019 6:02 AM |
0114 Sporadic CreutzfeldtJakob Disease.mp3 | 3,070 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0113 Prion Diseases of the Central Nervous System.mp3 | 3,141 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0112 Arboviruses.mp3 | 3,106 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0111 Viral Encephalitis.mp3 | 2,828 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0110 Cranial Abscess.mp3 | 4,895 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0109 Brain Abscesses.mp3 | 4,979 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0108 Item 07 A 19yearold Woman has Fever, Headaches and J.mp3 | 4,234 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0107 Noninfectious Causes.mp3 | 2,860 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0106 Subacute and Chronic Meningitis.mp3 | 4,838 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0105 Item 01 A 68yearold Man is Evaluated for Surgical Si.mp3 | 3,564 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0104 Evaluation.mp3 | 5,721 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0103 Bacterial Meningitis.mp3 | 4,305 KB | 2/8/2019 6:01 AM |
0102 Central Nervous System Infections.mp3 | 7,787 KB | 2/8/2019 6:00 AM |
0101 Introduction to Infectious Disease Section.mp3 | 2,137 KB | 2/8/2019 6:00 AM |