PDC4S:\IT\ROBOTICS\Computer Vision Courses\Master Computer Vision OpenCV Python

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NameSizeDate Modified
20. BONUS - Colorize Black and White Images12/24/2021 11:30 AM
19. BONUS - Object Detection - Use SSDs (Single Shot Detector) for Detecting Objects12/24/2021 11:30 AM
18. BONUS - Neural Style Transfer with OpenCV12/24/2021 11:29 AM
17. BONUS - Build a Credit Card Number Reader12/24/2021 11:29 AM
16. BONUS - Deep Learning Computer Vision 5 - Build a Cats vs Dogs Classifier12/24/2021 11:29 AM
15. BONUS - Deep Learning Computer Vision 4 - Build CNNs in Python using Keras12/24/2021 11:28 AM
14. BONUS - Deep Learning Computer Vision 3 - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)12/24/2021 11:28 AM
13. BONUS - Deep Learning Computer Vision 2 - Introduction to Neural Networks12/24/2021 11:27 AM
12. BONUS - Deep Learning Computer Vision 1 - Setup a Deep Learning Virtual Machine12/24/2021 11:26 AM
11. Conclusion12/24/2021 11:25 AM
10. Computational Photography Make a License Plate Reader12/24/2021 11:25 AM
09. Object Tracking Motion Analysis12/24/2021 11:25 AM
08. Simple Machine Learning using OpenCV12/24/2021 11:25 AM
07. Augmented Reality (AR) - Facial Landmark Identification (Face Swaps)12/24/2021 11:25 AM
06. Object Detection - Build a Face, People and CarVehicle Detectors12/24/2021 11:25 AM
05. Object Detection in OpenCV12/24/2021 11:25 AM
04. Image Segmentation Contours12/24/2021 11:25 AM
03. Image Manipulations Processing12/24/2021 11:25 AM
02. Basics of Computer Vision and OpenCV12/24/2021 11:24 AM
01. Course Introduction and Setup12/24/2021 11:24 AM