PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\Regina Anaejionu - Infopreneur Ninja Update 1\Ninja\Zero to Self-Published Book\Bonus

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NameSizeDate Modified
4 Sections 5, 6, and 7 How to Set Up Your Publishing House. How to Print, Distribute, and Promote Your Book (3 hours) _ byRegina.htm51 KB3/17/2017 3:24 PM
4 #ZeroToBook- Create Your Publishing House, Methods, Distribution, and More.mp4457,041 KB3/17/2017 3:26 PM
3 Sections 3 + 4 How to Lay Out Your Book. Plus Necessary Elements of a Professional Book (2 hours and 38 minutes) _ byRegina.htm51 KB3/17/2017 3:24 PM
3 #ZeroToBook- Design Your Book's Layout and Cover Like a Champ.mp4377,491 KB3/17/2017 3:25 PM
2 Sections 1 + 2 Why Self-Publish Plus How to Plan, Write + Edit Efficiently (2 hours) _ byRegina.htm50 KB3/17/2017 3:24 PM
2 #ZeroToBook- Plan, Research, Write, and Edit Your Book.mp4307,144 KB3/17/2017 3:23 PM
1 Agenda, Worksheets, and Link to Our Private Community _ byRegina.htm52 KB3/17/2017 3:11 PM
12/26/2022 2:06 AM