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PhotoReading Deluxe Course (Paul Scheele) [8 CDRips (16 MP3 audio)].nfo
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8/15/2012 2:12 PM
CD 8_Apply PhotoReading to Your Life
8/15/2012 2:07 PM
CD 7_Further Skill Building
8/15/2012 2:03 PM
CD 6_More Activiation
8/15/2012 1:57 PM
CD 5_Play with Your Second Book
8/15/2012 1:52 PM
CD 4_PhotoRead Your First Book
8/15/2012 1:45 PM
CD 3_The PhotoReading Process
8/15/2012 1:40 PM
CD 2_Prepare and Preview
8/15/2012 1:19 PM
CD 1_Getting Started
8/15/2012 1:02 PM