PDC4S:\Web Development Courses\Rails, Elixir developer 2019\ANGULAR 2 + RAILS 5 BOOTCAMP\11 Final Application Changes

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NameSizeDate Modified
Read me.txt1 KB2/18/2019 2:20 AM
060 Angular 2 Rails 5 Bootcamp Course Summary.mp44,620 KB12/15/2019 8:23 PM
059 How to Trigger Sending Emails from the Rails Microservice.mp460,522 KB12/15/2019 8:22 PM
058 Adding Final Style Changes to the Proposal Show Component.mp46,178 KB12/15/2019 8:22 PM
057 How to Add Dynamic Notifications in an Angular 2 Application.mp416,341 KB12/15/2019 8:22 PM