TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Trading Books\Astrology Books\2-basics_fundamentals_courses |
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Articles_presentations | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
basics-beginners | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
BEST for learning - Kapiel Raaj books | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
by B.V. Raman | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
by Bepin Behari | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
by K.N. Rao follower_Marc Boney | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
by K.N.Rao | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
by Manubhai S. Shah System_1908-1985 | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
by Seshadri Lyer | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
charts used | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
exams_courses_quiz | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
Jyotish_Jataka Mani Manjusha_partial | | 8/25/2022 10:41 AM |
Astrology - X-Files lessons.pdf | 573 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Astrology_and_Cycle_of_Deeds.pdf | 175 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Dattatreya.pdf | 136 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
essentials of vedic astrology.pdf | 1,589 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
fallon _astrologie en 3D.pdf | 611 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
important Principles of Astrology.pdf | 47 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
jyotish reduced course.pdf | 153 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_1893_B.S. Row_The Revival Of Astrology.pdf | 1,940 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_1997_Visvanath Deva Sharma_Astrology And Jyotirvidya.pdf | 5,657 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_1998_A guide to Hindu astrology_T.S. Narayanaswami Iyer.pdf | 5,209 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_1999_V.K. Chaudhry & David Hawthorne_Astrology for life.pdf | 828 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2000_R.N. Vyas_New Predictive Astrology.pdf | 2,054 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2006_Freedom T. Cole_Science Of Light_Vol 1.pdf | 7,977 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2006_Freedom T. Cole_Science Of Light_Vol 2.pdf | 6,911 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2009_K.K.Pathak_Classical Predictive Techniques_Vol.1.pdf | 5,444 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2009_K.K.Pathak_Classical Predictive Techniques_Vol.2.pdf | 5,872 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2009_Patrick Mulcahy_Astrology & the Devas of the Planes.pdf | 802 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2013_Von V. T._Using Astrology to Find the Inner You.pdf | 261 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2015_Zoran Radosavljevic_vol.1_Brush Up On The Vedic Astrology Basics.pdf | 6,929 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_2015_Zoran Radosavljevic_vol.2_Begin With Vedic Astrology.pdf | 2,902 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_A Course in Indian astrology_Muthuswami.pdf | 5,220 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_An introduction to vedic astrology_H. Beckman.pdf | 1,748 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Ancient Hindu astrology_James Braha.pdf | 4,363 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Anthony Writer_Notes On Predictive Nirayana Astrology_2 Parts.pdf | 2,246 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Arun Kumar Bansa_Saral jyotish_miss p.38_39.pdf | 2,119 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Astrologia Vedica_Dean Dominic De Lucia.pdf | 1,400 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper_Gayatri Devi.pdf | 3,136 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Defouw & Svoboda_Light on life.pdf | 4,658 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Dr. Narinder Sharma_Saral Jyotisha.pdf | 960 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Eastern Systems for western astrologers.pdf | 4,845 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Elements of Vedic Astrology_K.S. Charak.pdf | 9,056 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Fundamentals of Astrology_M. Ramakrishna Bhat.pdf | 3,929 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_G.K. Ojha_Predictive astrology of the Hindus.pdf | 3,844 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_James T. Braha_Astro-Logos_Revelations of a Hindu Astrologer.pdf | 3,623 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Jyotish fundamentals_Visti BAN.pdf | 4,828 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Know about Astrology_Shanker Adawal_miss 9 p.pdf | 8,077 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_L.R. Chawdhri_Scientific Analysis of Horoscope.pdf | 8,815 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Learn astrology the easy way by G.S Kapoor_ban.pdf | 1,657 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Light on Ancient Indian Astrology Vol 1_Sreenadh.pdf | 4,111 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Light on Ancient Indian Astrology Vol 2_Sreenadh.pdf | 4,716 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_O.P. Verma_A glimpse of Kerala astrology.pdf | 2,039 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Practical vedic Astro_G.S Agarwal_GOOD REFERENCE.pdf | 8,197 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Predictive Astrology_Dinesh Mathur.pdf | 4,978 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Raj Kumar_Astrology_a Quest Towards Unknown.pdf | 1,105 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Raj Kumar_Delineating a Horoscope.pdf | 3,780 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Ramnikal Mody_1955_Some Aspects Of Western And Indian Astrology.pdf | 4,994 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_reference manual on vedic astrology.pdf | 8,257 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Richard Fish_ W. Kurczak_The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology_Book 1.pdf | 1,733 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Richard Fish_ W. Kurczak_The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology_Book 2.pdf | 1,776 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_S.R.N. Murthy_Glimpses of hindu astrology_miss p.XV.pdf | 3,813 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Sam Geppi_Yoga and Vedic Astrology.pdf | 658 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Sergey V. Yelanin_India's Living Traditions.pdf | 780 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Special Topics in Vedic Astrology_Alison Bodhani.pdf | 3,038 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Text book of Scientific Hindu astrology_vol.1.pdf | 5,794 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Text book of Scientific Hindu astrology_vol.2.pdf | 4,903 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_The Ascendant_108 Planets of Vedic Astro_Sam Geppi.pdf | 3,577 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_the astrology of the seers_David Frawley_original.pdf | 4,086 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_the astrology of the seers_David Frawley_retyped.pdf | 856 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_The new instant astrologer_sideral_Eshelman & Stanton.pdf | 3,131 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_the Spiritual dimensions of vedic astrology_ R. Koch.pdf | 7,015 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_the Spiritual dimensions of vedic astrology_my extracts.doc | 21 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Understanding and Overcoming Your Dark Sides.pdf | 748 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_V.K. Choudhry_impact of ascending signs.pdf | 2,862 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Vashisht Vaid_The Secrets of Astrology.pdf | 4,132 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Vedic and Western Astrology_ Gujral Ashish.pdf | 7,447 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Vedic astrology demystified ban.pdf | 13,919 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Vedic astrology_an integrated approach_Narashimha Rao.pdf | 5,997 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Jyotish_Vishnu Bhaskar_Advanced technlques of Predictive Astrolog-vol.1.pdf | 8,903 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Koparkar system.pdf | 23 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Predictions of Astrology2.pdf | 55 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Snapshot Method of Interpreting a Horoscope.pdf | 40 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |
Study of Vedic Astrology_Aryabhatt.pdf | 323 KB | 9/26/2020 12:13 AM |