TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Trading Books\Astrology Books\Astro_West_Medieval_mixed topics

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NameSizeDate Modified
1500_French_Claude Dariot8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1501_Girolamo Cardano8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1561_John Blagrave8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1571_Kepler8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1591-1659_Morinus_Jean-Baptiste Morin8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1602_William Lilly8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1616_Nicholas Culpeper8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1626_William Ramesey8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1627_John Gadbury8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1644_John Partridge8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1751_Ebenezer Sibly8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1814_Raphael8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1840_1923_Alfred John Pearce8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1850_Zadkiel8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1860_Alan Leo8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1864_1829_Sepharial_Dr Walter Gorn Old_medieval8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1876_George Llewellyn8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1887-1968_Charles E.O. Carter8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1941_Michael Erlewine-Matrix8/25/2022 10:46 AM
1942_Donna Cunningham8/25/2022 10:46 AM
Christians_masons and rosicrucians8/25/2022 10:46 AM
Djwhal Khul_Alice Bailey_18808/25/2022 10:46 AM
Klaudio Zic-alternative8/25/2022 10:46 AM
Lauren Delsack study guides8/25/2022 10:46 AM
others ASTRO WESTERN8/25/2022 10:47 AM
Ancient Astrological Works before 1400.pdf131 KB9/26/2020 12:13 AM
Book_2007_Kris Brandt Riske_Llewellyn's Complete Book of Astrology.pdf4,926 KB9/26/2020 12:13 AM
Celtic Astrology_A modern Hoax.pdf298 KB9/26/2020 12:13 AM
Jyotish_1955_R.M. Mody_Some Aspects Of Western And Indian Astrology.pdf2,640 KB9/26/2020 12:13 AM