TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Web Development Courses\Doberman Dan – Supplement Business Blueprint 2018\01-TRAINING |
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01- Intro To Supplement Business Blueprint Coaching.mp4 | 10,941 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
02-Supplement Business Blueprint Overview.ts | 173,021 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
02-Supplement-Biz-Chart.xmind | 149 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
02.01-XMind.MP4 | 18,068 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
03-Competitive-Intell-Tracking.xlsx | 46 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
03-Product & Market Research.ts | 273,709 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
03-Product&Market-Research-transcription.pdf | 253 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
04-Biz Name & Company Structure.mp4 | 53,017 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
04-Biz Name & Company Structure.txt | 1 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
05- How To Get A Merchant Account For A New Supplement Business.TS | 19,786 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
05-How To Get A Merchant Account For A New Supplement Business.txt | 1 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
06- Private Label Supplement Manufacturer.mp4 | 73,118 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
06-Private Label Supplement Manufacturer-Audio.TS | 59,401 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
06-Vitalabs+Price+List2.xlsx | 49 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
06-Vitalabs-notes.pdf | 78 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
07- Remnant Newspaper Space Ads.mp3 | 104,422 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
07-David-Klein-Macromark-notes.pdf | 83 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
08- Newspaper Advertorials.TS | 283,381 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
08-Advertorial-copywriting-webinar-notes.pdf | 67 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
08-Supplement-Advertorials.pdf | 4,632 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
09- Steve Wexler Newspaper Advertorials.TS | 351,351 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM | | 27,123 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
11- Supplement Copy Legal Compliance.TS | 212,530 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
12 CALL CENTER.JPG | 33 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
12- Call Center.TS | 12,938 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
13- Customer Service & Fulfillment.TS | 44,492 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
13-Across-America-transcription.pdf | 170 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
14- Ultracart Overview.mp4 | 51,448 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
15- Easy Website Creation.TS | 199,932 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
16- How To Generate Ongoing Profits – How You REALLY Make Money In The Supplement Business.mp4 | 320,858 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM | | 8,309 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
17- Boost Lifetime Customer Value & Retention.TS | 68,610 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
17-Boost+LCV+&+Rentention+Notes+with+Chris+Daigle.pdf | 71 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
17-Boost-LCV-Customer-Retention-transcription.pdf | 231 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
18- Build Your Supplement Biz With Direct Mail.TS | 64,212 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
18-Caleb-ODowd-transcript.pdf | 194 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
19- Build Your Supplement Biz Online With Facebook Ads.TS | 143,279 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
19-Facebook-ads-transcriptions.pdf | 186 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |
19-FB-Ads-notes.pdf | 156 KB | 9/29/2020 9:36 PM |