TC4S:\2019\Al Brooks - Brooks Trading Course 2018_\3 How to Trade Forex Price Action\3 Trading Different Times of the Day 48

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NameSizeDate Modified
Video 48H Trading the Middle and End of the Day.mp4110,769 KB7/1/2018 9:58 PM
Video 48G Trading the Middle and End of the Day.mp499,039 KB7/1/2018 9:58 PM
Video 48F Trading the Middle and End of the Day.mp463,668 KB7/1/2018 9:58 PM
Video 48E Trading the Open.mp492,935 KB7/1/2018 9:57 PM
Video 48D Trading the Open.mp482,087 KB7/1/2018 9:57 PM
Video 48C Trading the Open.mp472,769 KB7/1/2018 9:57 PM
Video 48B Trading the Open.mp473,451 KB7/1/2018 9:57 PM
Video 48A Trading the Open.mp439,827 KB7/1/2018 9:56 PM