TC4S:\2020_K\Day Trading Day Trading Forex_\09 Managing Your Day Trades |
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001 How to Install the ADR Indicator.pdf | 92 KB | 10/10/2015 1:39 PM |
001 Managing Your Trades.mp4 | 1,762 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
002 Managing Your Account Plan.pdf | 102 KB | 10/10/2015 1:39 PM |
002 Setting Your Stop Loss.mp4 | 24,020 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
003 Setting a Stop Using One Minute Charts.mp4 | 22,226 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
004 Working Out Your Take Profits.mp4 | 26,934 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
005 Using the ADR to Take Profits.mp4 | 11,345 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
006 Moving Your Stop to Break Even.mp4 | 34,419 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
007 Trailing Your Stop.mp4 | 18,194 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
008 Managing Your Account.mp4 | 28,076 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |
009 Recap.mp4 | 5,693 KB | 10/10/2015 1:42 PM |