TC4S:\2021\Better Trader Academy - System Trading Unleashed Online Course ( $197_\Module 3 Best Performing Systems Cracked

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NameSizeDate Modified
STU-Module3-Transcript.zip8,300 KB9/19/2019 10:56 PM
STU-Module3-Presentation.zip11,004 KB9/19/2019 10:56 PM
STU-Module3-Audio.zip51,195 KB9/19/2019 10:56 PM
Lesson 3-9 What is the longevity of good performing strategies7/15/2022 12:47 AM
Lesson 3-8 What are the realistic expectations regarding best performing systems7/15/2022 12:47 AM
Lesson 3-7 Are they regularly reoptimized7/15/2022 12:47 AM
Lesson 3-6 What have you learned from watching them7/15/2022 12:47 AM
Lesson 3-5 Concept - Stress testing and data snooping7/15/2022 12:47 AM
Lesson 3-4 What is their basic element7/15/2022 12:46 AM
Lesson 3-3 Which markets and timeframes do they trade7/15/2022 12:46 AM
Lesson 3-2 What do the best performing systems have in common7/15/2022 12:46 AM
Lesson 3-14 Summary7/15/2022 12:48 AM
Lesson 3-13 Concept - Serial Autocorrelation7/15/2022 12:48 AM
Lesson 3-12 Special findings7/15/2022 12:48 AM
Lesson 3-11 How many timeframes do they use7/15/2022 12:48 AM
Lesson 3-10 What is typical for developers who come up with the best strategies7/15/2022 12:48 AM
Lesson 3-1 Introduction7/15/2022 12:46 AM