TC4S:\2022\TTC Forex University\2 Basic Mastery Course
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Date Modified
9 In depth trading view tutorial.mp4
250,334 KB
9/11/2022 12:29 PM
8 My platform.mp4
34,274 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
7 My broker.mp4
14,982 KB
9/11/2022 12:29 PM
6 Different Brokers.mp4
171,457 KB
9/11/2022 12:29 PM
5 how leverage works.mp4
203,023 KB
9/11/2022 12:29 PM
4 how to evaluate value of a pip .mp4
16,686 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
3 What is a Pip.mp4
363,457 KB
9/11/2022 12:29 PM
2 What is a Currency Pair.mp4
257,647 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
14 whats next.mp4
21,713 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
13 what is spread.mp4
172,258 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
12 pacing entries stps and losses.mp4
243,110 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
11 what are entries stops and targets.mp4
46,105 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
10 Long vs Short buy.mp4
30,461 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM
1 Basic Mastery Course.mp4
45,026 KB
9/11/2022 12:28 PM