TC4S:\2022_3\Remington Sutton - How to Write an Algorithmic Trading Program\03 Building the Model
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Date Modified
001 Lecture 6.1 Setting up the models.mp4
32,741 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
002 Lecture 6.2.mp4
23,887 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
003 Lecture 7 Overview of 4 types of models that we will build.mp4
16,556 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
004 Lecture 8.1 Build a Momentum model.mp4
43,704 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
005 Lecture 8.2.mp4
45,840 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
006 Lecture 8.3.mp4
55,578 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
007 Lecture 9 Build a Mean Convergence Model.mp4
26,800 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
008 Lecture 10.1 Build a Correlation Model.mp4
37,773 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
009 Lecture 10.2.mp4
37,500 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
010 Lecture 11.1 Build a Pattern Recognition Model.mp4
56,721 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
011 Lecture 11.2.mp4
63,049 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM
012 Lecture 11.3.mp4
54,566 KB
10/28/2015 1:15 PM