TC4S:\2023\Emporos Capital - Price Ladder - English_\5. The process to become a trader

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NameSizeDate Modified
7. Put it all together.mp466,389 KB5/14/2022 8:02 AM
6. Sell-off.mp415,865 KB5/14/2022 8:01 AM
5. Record yout trading session.mp424,506 KB5/14/2022 8:03 AM
4. Prepare a trading session.mp467,909 KB5/14/2022 8:01 AM
3. Importance of economic news.mp464,700 KB5/14/2022 8:01 AM
2. How to psychologically manage trading losses.mp4254,300 KB5/14/2022 8:01 AM
1. The money management.mp487,976 KB5/14/2022 8:01 AM