TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\Gene's Course Kayne West Ima fix the world realweirdgene realforexcartel Team Resources\Trading Course\MODULE 2\Core Content

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NameSizeDate Modified
1. IPDA Data Ranges.mp41,124,951 KB4/25/2023 6:24 AM
10. Seasonals.mp4491,707 KB5/13/2023 4:18 PM
11. PD Arrays.mp4575,202 KB5/13/2023 10:00 PM
12. Implementing Macro Analysis_ Setup Progression.mp4347,622 KB5/13/2023 10:01 PM
13. Stop Entry Technique For Position Trading.mp4381,253 KB5/22/2023 3:05 AM
14. Limit Entry Technique For Position Trading.mp4192,525 KB5/22/2023 3:05 AM
15. Relative Strength Advanced.mp4665,201 KB5/25/2023 6:14 PM
2. Open Float and Utilizing IPDA Data Ranges.mp41,440,597 KB4/27/2023 7:55 PM
3. Long Term Analysis.mp4499,831 KB4/29/2023 7:54 PM
4. Institutional SwingPoints.mp4644,811 KB4/29/2023 8:09 PM
5. Interest Rates.mp4810,294 KB4/29/2023 7:56 PM
6. COT and Market Maker Hedging Program.mp4981,477 KB5/1/2023 4:44 PM
7. Open Interest.mp4848,522 KB5/3/2023 2:51 PM
8. COT Hedging Program, Dealing Range, Open Interest Secrets.mp4879,895 KB5/6/2023 9:27 PM
9. InterMarket Analysis.mp41,046,483 KB5/13/2023 4:18 PM