TC4S:\F\ForexMentor (\Forex Mentor - Vic Noble and Shirley Hudson - Recurring Forex Patterns\1 - Recurring Forex Patterns

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NameSizeDate Modified
1 - Welcome10/24/2019 5:52 AM
2 - Basic Tools10/24/2019 5:52 AM
3 - Risk Management10/24/2019 5:52 AM
4 - Getting In & Out10/24/2019 5:52 AM
5 - The 6 Recurring Patterns10/24/2019 5:52 AM
6 - Understanding the Trading Environment10/24/2019 5:52 AM
7 - Psychological Considerations10/24/2019 5:52 AM
8 - The Need For A Trading Plan10/24/2019 5:52 AM