TC4S:\Forex Trading MEGA Collection (Robots - Indicators - Trading System)\Forex MEGA Collection\Collection indicators\vip TSD\ADXm\SSA

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NameSizeDate Modified
TTM_SSA Bars .rar6 KB6/12/2011 9:19 PM
ssa squeeze of averages.mq411 KB1/15/2011 3:10 PM
ssa squeeze of averages 1.00.mq412 KB1/15/2011 7:30 PM
ssa squeeze of averages 1.00 - mtf && alerts.mq419 KB1/15/2011 7:30 PM
SSA of price.mq43 KB1/15/2011 3:15 PM
SSA of price - advanced.mq47 KB1/15/2011 7:43 PM
SSA of price - advanced histo.mq48 KB1/15/2011 7:44 PM
SSA normalized end-pointed & alert.mq46 KB6/12/2011 9:20 PM
SSA normalized end-pointed & alert advanced.mq49 KB6/12/2011 9:20 PM
SSA normalized - choosable symbol.mq46 KB6/12/2011 9:21 PM
SSA normalized - choosable symbol & inversion.mq46 KB6/12/2011 9:21 PM
SSA normalized - alert.mq48 KB6/12/2011 9:21 PM
libSSA.zip35 KB6/12/2011 9:21 PM
Catdtstoc.rar33 KB6/12/2011 9:19 PM