TC4S:\Online Trading Academy\XLT\XLT-StockTrading\1-2010_ |
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Archive | | 10/2/2013 6:22 AM |
XLT-ST-20091130 - Steve Misic & Ryan Watkins - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 552,104 KB | 12/6/2009 8:21 PM |
XLT-ST-20091202 - Michelle Volmering & Eric Ochotnicki - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 610,149 KB | 12/6/2009 2:24 PM |
XLT-ST-20091203 - Michelle Volmering & Steve Misic - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 540,375 KB | 12/6/2009 4:24 PM |
XLT-ST-20091204 - SS & SM - Lesson 1 Sup&Res - Price action turning points (demand&supply) - Floor trader pivots (how we use them) - Combining broad market Sup&Res with sectors and stocks.avi | 548,915 KB | 12/6/2009 6:26 PM |
XLT-ST-20091207 - Steve Misic & Eric Ochotnicki - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 550,518 KB | 12/13/2009 1:08 AM |
XLT-ST-20091208 - Steve Misic - Question and Answer Session.avi | 376,797 KB | 12/13/2009 2:23 AM |
XLT-ST-20091209 - Jeff Manson & Steve Misic - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 589,554 KB | 12/13/2009 4:16 AM |
XLT-ST-20091210 - Steve Misic & Eric Ochotnicki - Lesson 2 Moving Averages - Moving averages as support and resistance - Moving averages and dynamic trends.avi | 553,191 KB | 12/13/2009 4:22 PM |
XLT-ST-20091214 - Steve Misic & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 579,099 KB | 1/16/2010 11:41 AM |
XLT-ST-20091216 - Michelle Volmering & Brandon Wendell - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 551,547 KB | 1/16/2010 1:56 PM |
XLT-ST-20091217 - Brandon Wendell & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 531,208 KB | 1/16/2010 3:50 PM |
XLT-ST-20091218 - Brandon Wendell & Michelle Volmering - Lesson 3 Candle Power - Candlestick charts - Candlestick patterns - Buying and selling pressure with Candlesticks.avi | 506,916 KB | 1/16/2010 5:46 PM |
XLT-ST-20091221 - Brandon Wendell & Eric Ochotnicki - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 601,999 KB | 1/16/2010 7:55 PM |
XLT-ST-20091222 - Brandon Wendell - Question and Answer Session.avi | 336,796 KB | 1/16/2010 9:08 PM |
XLT-ST-20091223 - Sam Seiden & Steve Misic - Lesson 4 Risk Management - Properly assessing risk and reward - Protective stops - Volatility stops vs technical stops.avi | 502,650 KB | 1/17/2010 11:21 PM |
XLT-ST-20091228 - Ryan Watkins & Steve Misic - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 488,349 KB | 1/16/2010 11:38 PM |
XLT-ST-20091229 - Michelle Volmering & Brandon Wendell - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 504,808 KB | 1/18/2010 1:17 PM |
XLT-ST-20100104 - Brandon Wendell & Eric Ochotnicki - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 568,933 KB | 1/17/2010 2:23 PM |
XLT-ST-20100106 - Brandon Wendell & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 626,049 KB | 1/17/2010 4:35 PM |
XLT-ST-20100107 - Brandon Wendell & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 654,353 KB | 1/17/2010 6:51 PM |
XLT-ST-20100108 - Brandon Wendell & Michelle Volmering - Lesson 5 Gaining Speed - Momentum indicators - MACD, ADX, ROC - Additional momentum indicators.avi | 601,603 KB | 1/17/2010 9:04 PM |
XLT-ST-20100111 - Eric Ochotnicki & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 521,318 KB | 1/18/2010 3:10 PM |
XLT-ST-20100113 - Michelle Volmering & Ryan Watkins - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 662,803 KB | 1/18/2010 5:37 PM |
XLT-ST-20100114 - Ryan Watkins & Michelle Volmering - Lesson 6 Buy Low Sell high - Turning points with oscillators - CCI, Stochastics, RSI - Mechanical entries and exits with oscillators.avi | 432,719 KB | 1/18/2010 7:31 PM |
XLT-ST-20100118 - Ryan Watkins & Eric Ochotnicki - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 487,960 KB | 1/18/2010 9:45 PM |
XLT-ST-20100119 - RW & MV - Lesson 6 Buy Low Sell high - Turning Points with oscillators - CCI, Stochastics, RSI - Mechanical Entries & Exits w oscillators.avi | 628,039 KB | 2/6/2010 11:42 AM |
XLT-ST-20100120 - Michelle Volmering & Steve Misic - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 528,463 KB | 2/6/2010 1:45 PM |
XLT-ST-20100121 - Ryan Watkins & Steve Misic - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 537,616 KB | 2/6/2010 3:44 PM |
XLT-ST-20100122 - BW & SM - Lesson 7 Fibonacci, A Practical Application - Retracement studies - Extension & Projection studies - The importance of confluence.avi | 491,678 KB | 2/6/2010 5:35 PM |
XLT-ST-20100125 - Steve Misic & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 609,813 KB | 2/6/2010 7:47 PM |
XLT-ST-20100127 - Michelle Volmering & Steve Misic - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 555,912 KB | 2/6/2010 9:43 PM |
XLT-ST-20100128 - BW & SM - Lesson 8 Scanning For Opportunity, WhatToTrade - The market-sector-stock top down approach - Web resources automated - Important scanning filters to limit risk.avi | 547,733 KB | 2/6/2010 11:41 PM |
XLT-ST-20100201 - Ryan Watkins & Brandon Wendell - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 475,964 KB | 2/7/2010 1:36 AM |
XLT-ST-20100203 - Ryan Watkins & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 574,051 KB | 2/7/2010 4:04 AM |
XLT-ST-20100204 - Ryan Watkins & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 463,924 KB | 2/7/2010 5:54 AM |
XLT-ST-20100205 - Ryan Watkins & Brandon Wendell - Les 9 - PuttingIttogether-Creating your trading (Business) plan-Planning your trade-Set and forget trading.avi | 614,855 KB | 2/7/2010 7:59 AM |
XLT-ST-20100208 - Sam Seiden & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 575,883 KB | 2/14/2010 9:33 PM |
XLT-ST-20100210 - Michelle Volmering & Brandon Wendell - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 503,735 KB | 2/14/2010 11:28 PM |
XLT-ST-20100211 - BW & MV - Les 10 - FundamentallySound-Keyratio’s-The important information in an earnings report-Combining Fundamental & Technical analysis.avi | 555,820 KB | 2/15/2010 2:12 AM |
XLT-ST-20100216 - Michelle Volmering & Eric Ochotnicki - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 583,709 KB | 3/1/2010 3:27 PM |
XLT-ST-20100217 - Ryan Watkins & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 430,279 KB | 3/7/2010 9:10 PM |
XLT-ST-20100218 - Ryan Watkins & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 493,957 KB | 3/7/2010 11:25 PM |
XLT-ST-20100219 - Brandon Wendell & Ryan Watkins - Les 11 - Alternative Charting Methods - Point and Figure charting - Tick charts - Volume charts.avi | 464,622 KB | 3/8/2010 5:12 PM |
XLT-ST-20100222 - Michelle Volmering & Brandon Wendell - Trading and Analysis - Swing and Position.avi | 480,651 KB | 3/8/2010 7:08 PM |
XLT-ST-20100224 - Ryan Watkins & Michelle Volmering - Trading and Analysis - Intraday.avi | 483,289 KB | 3/8/2010 4:58 AM |
XLT-ST-20100225 - MV & EO - Les 12 - TradingPsychology-TheHerdMentality-IdentifyingtheHerd&GettingPaidFromThem-PsychologicalMind&MarketTraps-MarketIllusionVs.MarketReality.avi | 524,899 KB | 3/8/2010 6:55 AM |