TC4S:\P\Pristine (\Pristine - Trading the Pristine Method 2 $1495\Trading the Pristine Method 2 (Greg Capra)_

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NameSizeDate Modified
Trading the Pristine Method 2-10.wmv30,690 KB8/18/2010 5:36 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-09.wmv69,769 KB8/19/2010 7:52 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-08.wmv86,867 KB6/27/2012 8:22 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-06.wmv33,249 KB6/27/2012 7:58 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-05.wmv45,535 KB8/19/2010 3:23 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-04.wmv67,365 KB8/19/2010 1:45 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-03.wmv77,592 KB8/18/2010 11:17 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-02.wmv120,403 KB6/27/2012 8:02 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-017.wmv86,001 KB6/27/2012 8:12 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2-01.wmv65,404 KB6/27/2012 7:46 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2 Greg Capra 1-7.avi465,224 KB6/15/2009 1:00 PM
Trading the Pristine Method 2 Greg Capra 1-6.avi756,698 KB6/15/2009 11:50 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2 Greg Capra 1-5.avi761,071 KB6/15/2009 7:51 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2 Greg Capra 1-4.avi1,227,911 KB6/15/2009 5:45 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2 Greg Capra 1-2 and 1-3.avi1,536,902 KB6/15/2009 8:25 AM
Trading the Pristine Method 2 Greg Capra 1-1.avi273,543 KB6/15/2009 12:02 AM