TC4S:\P\Pristine (\Pristine - Trading the Pristine Method TPM 2 2011 (Paul Lange) $1995_

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NameSizeDate Modified
TPM 2 Paul Lange 1 Pivots Analysis and Trend Change, Gap Analysis.mp4117,805 KB12/13/2010 9:49 AM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 10 Failed Patterns, Multiple Time Frame Analysis.mp4135,275 KB12/13/2010 12:00 PM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 11 Multiple Time Frame, Money and Position, Market Analysis Review Final.mp4134,015 KB12/13/2010 11:44 AM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 2 CandleStick, Support and Resistance Analysis, Pristine Sell Setup and COG.mp498,960 KB12/13/2010 2:54 PM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 3 Support and Resistance Analysis Part 2, Pristine Buy Setup, Congestion of Candles.mp4136,565 KB12/12/2010 3:11 AM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 4 Moving Average Analysis and Volume Analysis.mp4122,410 KB12/13/2010 12:03 AM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 5 Volume In Multiple Time Frames, Retracement Analysis.mp4194,688 KB12/11/2010 11:49 PM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 6 Retracement Analysis, W Patterns.mp421,532 KB12/12/2010 10:43 PM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 7 Bar-by-Bay Analysis & Market Internals Analysis.mp4168,026 KB12/12/2010 12:29 PM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 8 Market Internals, Relative Strength and Trend Analysis.mp4166,781 KB12/12/2010 1:12 PM
TPM 2 Paul Lange 9 Pivots Analysis and Trend Change, Gap Analysis.mp4117,805 KB12/13/2010 1:38 AM